The Southrepps Society History Hub website is continuing to grow in size and coverage. The ‘Our Houses’ ( ) project in particular has new information on some houses on Chapel Street, Thorpe Road and Lower Street. We’re still very keen for you to add yours: why not make it your New Year’s resolution! We now have the memories of the village as it was decades ago from eight residents or former residents, as well as articles on the Village Hall and the various schools that have been here. The Cottrell and Cubitt families have also been well documented.
The list of Southrepps participants in World War One now stands at 183. They all appear at with onward links to biographies of them. There are a few other possible participants shown after the main list for whom we don’t have any details. If you have any information on these people please can you contact us from ?
It is pleasing to see that there is interest in the history of our village from as far afield as Ireland, the US and Australia, with people in many other counties also taking a look. Memories, Our Houses, The Village at War and Antingham and Southrepps School are the most viewed pages.
The site’s Home Page is at – do take a look! The History Hub itself is available to visit in person at the Village Hall, on the second Thursday of the month in the village hall from 2-4. Why not drop in and have a chat?
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